
A mostrar mensagens de novembro, 2019


- Está mal o nosso país mandava, para dar o mote. Aguardaria. Certamente alguém iria reagir. Certamente concordante. Certamente iria ter mais uma hipótese de observar aquele balançar de cabeça em anuência, aquele olhar sabido, de sobrolho afectado, aquele esgar instantâneo, já repetido, representativo da impotência perante a inegável realidade. Proclamaria ainda - Isto tem que dar uma grande volta . Uma pequena mudança das expressões verificar-se-ia, certamente: o aceno de cabeça seria mais pronunciado, as pálpebras ficariam levemente cerradas, as pestanas bem puxadas em arco para o meio da testa enrugada, a boca ainda emudecida de lábios quase inexpressivos, sem os cantos arrebitados. Não me quedaria por ali, insistente, e acrescentaria - Que há a fazer? Certamente, iria poder observar o ar a ser expelido por entre os dentes e os lábios, as cabeças a bambolearem um pouco para trás e para um dos lados em movimento semi-circular, os olhos a ganharem aquele brilho de gozo em ...

FPL Months 2 & 3: a good gameweek is all it takes

Five gameweeks have now gone since the last article. It’s the day before GW13 deadline and I’m feeling good. Finally! , I should add. October was a very – very – tough month for me, scoring always below average, except for the one time in GW8 when I managed to brilliantly match it – with a staggering score of 36 points. By then, I had played my Wildcard already (did it in GW7) and things were looking pretty nasty. At the start of that GW8 (let me stress it – one week after I wildcarded), I was without four of my players: two suspended after being sent off and two freshly injured. What have been a cloudy start of the season was now turning into a pretty stormy third month, with no signs of real hope on the horizon. But November came. The first days of the new month saw my team beating the average (at last!) and going past the 60-points mark – which was good. Not enough to beat my mini-league competition, still, and this was while seeing a combined 7-minute duo in Otamendi (1’) and C...